business strategy

I have worked across a wide variety of product areas and different sectors, ultimately my view is all have the same goal, to deliver great experience and results to their customer. With life being so busy and the pressures of running a business it is sometimes difficult to see when things change or maybe need to change.

I work with boards/teams to identify the future strategy and put in place a robust plan to deliver. The critical part is engagement, understanding of both the internal and external customers. It can involve brand reinvigoration or design, customer experience, teamwork, leadership, improved environment, structure and much more, however the key is to ensure the right areas are prioritised and delivered within a set time period.

I always spend time to get to know the business, its vision and strategy and listen to the teams and customers. It’s gives valuable insight and gives a true picture of the gap between reality and the vision. My job is to help you reach that goal and support you along the way.

An Awesome leader! Annette has a truly inspiring leadership style, giving great meaning to myself in my role and taking a real interest in my personal development to realise my potential. Many of the great competencies and values that Annette displayed as my line manager within the brand has influenced my own ways of work which has led to further success for myself.

darren whelpton-smith - head of sales - raging bull ltd